Excessive Heat Warning!

Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures up to 108 in the Bay area this week.

Please remember to keep exit doors (especially Door 14 to the Men’s Prayer Hall) closed at all times to help keep the masjid cool, comfortable and safe for everyone. Read more about how to prepare here.

Next Prayer (adhan)

Next Prayers (Adhan)


  • f

    5:55 AM

  • s

    7:07 AM


  • f

    5:55 AM

  • s

    7:07 AM

See more prayer times >

Da’wah Programs

Da’wah is “Calling to Allah.” It’s simple. Learn about Allah, His supremacy and then inform all the folks that you know and come across about Allah.

Join the Dawah committee and contribute to a vital cause! If you can’t make direct verbal calls, support those who can – and help us during our events and planning. Your help is crucial.

Here are some ways you can contribute: Social Media Creator, A/V Set up, Event Volunteer, Host a Speaker, Emcee, Noise Control, and much more.

All brothers and sisters are invited to join. For any inquiries, contact us at dawah@mcabayarea.org. Your participation makes a meaningful impact! Fill out the form below to volunteer and be part of this transformative effort. Link to Volunteer form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuOxLWJfQOxjmZMXQZ8pDxVlE8iEPMPjZQlVkZ-Q5AQAoG7g/viewform

In case you are not able to directly do this verbal call, then support the ones who are. This support level is critical.

How to be involved? Here are a few suggestions, however, feel free to add your own in the comments below. All brothers and sisters are welcome to join.

Questions? Contact us at dawah@mcabayarea.org

What Are The Sub-Committees & What Are Their Activities?


Coordinates Khateebs and Lectures. Weekly Halaqa. Monthly Itekaf. Conduct Da’wah training program for Da’wah activists. Establish Speakers Bureau. Hajj Workshop. Organize a conference. Organize intensive programs (Hadith, Arabic, Faith Essentials, Seerah). etc.

People From Other Faiths

Conduct Da’wah Open Houses. Deliver talks/lectures about Islam in different churches. Initiate Interfaith Dialogue. Provide Da’wah packets to libraries, hospital and schools. etc.

New Muslim

Provide Educational Classes for new Muslims. Create Buddy system to help New Muslims. Create Social Activities to integrate into our community. etc


Establish relationship with the prison managements. Provide Qura’n and literatures about Islam. Arrange periodic visits to prison population in our area. etc.


Provide Marriage and Divorce services. Provide Islamic consultation to all community members. Provide family counseling service to all community members. etc.


Design for the Da’wah. Online promoter. Recruit for the team. Research. Make calls. Share da’wah posts on WhatsApp/social Media. Drive duaat/sheiks/imams to their destination. Help transport and distribute da’wah material. Organize and manage a Halaqah @MCA or Annor. Video editing. Photographer. Event specialist. Organize meetings. Maintain spreadsheets/data.Tech support. Tour of Masjid. Reply to outreach emails. etc.